Spartina alterniflora response to fertilizer, planting dates, and elevation in Galveston Bay, Texas.
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Spartina alterniflora transplant response to 5 fertilizer rates, 2 planting dates, and different elevations was evaluated on sandy dredged material, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas in 1977. Survival, shoot production, and growth of Spartina alterniflora occurred throughout the site, but survival was significantly different at low and high elevations for each date. Higher tides follwing the May transplant apparently shifted the zone of best survival and growth upward as compared to the February transplant period. A zone of low survival and growth occurred at mean high water for both dates. Greater survival, shoot production, and growth of Spartina alterniflora was achieved in the May transplanting than in the February transplanting date. However, density of stems by the end of the growing season was still greater in the February planting that in May, despite lower initial survival. Plant growth in fertilized plots was not significantly different from unfertilized plots.