Eco-Art Programs: Integrating Art and Science on the Upper Texas Coast


Jan. 24, 2007


Klay, K

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Galveston Bay Estuary Program


Eco-Art Programs are developed for the needs, financial resources, and capabilities of K-12th grade classrooms allowing Artist Boat to fullfill its mission dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of coastal margins and the marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts. This approach has led to the development of Eco-Art Workshops and Adventures (outdoor environmental education); Eco-Art Residencies (during and after school residency program bringing artists and scientists to the classroom and public art and habitats onto campuses); Student Environmental Art Council (teen program focused on developing students as stewards, advocates, and interpreters of the environment); and Curriculum Development. Artist Boat fosters partnerships from school districts, state and federal agencies, and foundations whose focus maybe education, art, science, environmental education, restoration, and intergrated disciplines. Artist Boat has a staff of 7 full time Eco-Art educators and will serve over 5,000 participants this year.




art, Artist Boat, coastal margins, education, marine environment, schools, students
