An estimate of unsurveyed coastal recreational boat fishing activity in Texas.
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The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has conducted on-site creel surveys to estimate saltwater sportfishing landings and pressure since 1974. Boat trips originating from launch sites such as marina wet slips and boathouses at private residences have not been surveyed and were not included in landings and pressure estimates. In 1982 a mail survey of boat owners registered in Texas was conducted to estimate the percent of saltwater sportfishing boat trips that were missed by the on-site survey and the percent and number of registered Texas boat owners who use their boats for saltwater fishing. From 25 to 30 percent of all saltwater sportfishing boat trips originated from unsurveyed launch sites. Therefore, the TPWD on-site boat survey underestimates saltwater sportfishing boat pressure by 355,000-426,000 trips annually. Of the estimated 79,200 saltwater fishing boat owners, 18 percent never launched from surveyed sites in 1982.