Galveston County shore erosion study: Feasibility report on beach erosion control. Final. Vol 1, Main Report; Vol 2, Gulf shoreline study site report; Vol 3, Appendices.
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These reports contain the study details and results for the investigations of erosion problems along the Gulf and bay shorelines of Galveston County (approximately 203 miles) and a 2-mile reach of Gulf beach at Surfside in Brazoria County. Technical investigations also included the Gulf shoreline between Sabine Pass and the Brazos River. Volume 1 consists of the main report, and presents information on the background of the study; the resources of the study area; the general evaluation procedures and their application; the Federal policies relating to shore erosion control; the results of the engineering, economic, and environmental studies; and the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the District Commander. Volume 2 provides detailed information on the studies presented in the Main Report. Volume 3 consists of appendices containing details on project economics, and public involvement and coordination.