Lysosomal Destabilization: Indicators of Environmental Degradation in Galveston Bay, TX




Wade, Terry L., Hyun-Min Hwang, Yaorong Qian, Stephen T. Sweet, and Jose L. Sericano

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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission


The reduced retention capacity of lysosomal membrane elicited by exposure to xenobiotics provides a good example of adverse effects induced by toxic chemicals. The lysosomal destabilization assay is an integrated and rapid indicator of the health status of an organism that measures lysosomal damage (membrane destabilization). It has been successfully applied to bivalves (e.g. mussels and oysters), fish and earthworms (Lowe et al. 1995a,b; Kohlor et al. 1994; Ringwood et al. 1999; Weeks and Svendsen 1996). The lysosomal destabilization assay is likely applicable to all living cells. The purpose of this study was to test the usefulness of lysosomal destabilization assay as an early-warning screening tool for assessment of contaminant impact. Investigations of the relationship between lysosomal destabilization and chemical body burden were undertaken. The release of neutral red into the cytosol was used as a sign of lysosomal damage of the blood cells of bivalves collected from NOAA National Status and Trends (NS&T) Mussel Watch Project Galveston Bay sites.


pgs. 82-92


Lysosomal destabilization environmental degradation
