Gulf of Mexico Sales 142 and 143: Central and Western Planning Areas: draft Environmental Impact Statement




Minerals Management Service

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U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region


The purpose of the two proposed Federal actions addressed in this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is the offering for lease areas on the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) FOR THE EXPLORATION AND development of recoverable oil and gas resources. The Department of the Interior (DOI) is required, under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OSCLA), as amended, to manage the leasing, exploration, development, and production of oil and gas resources on the OCS. The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) oversees the OCS oil and gas program and is required to balance orderly resource development with protection of the human, marine, and coastal environments while simultaneously ensuring that the public receives an equitable return for these resources and that free-market competition is maintained. The proposed sales are part of the DOI's proposed 5-Year Program, which covers the period from mid-1992 to mid -1997. The proposed sales are scheduled to occur in 1993. The sale areas are depicted in Figure I-1 and lease blocks and lease status are shown on Visual No. 1. ... Nearly 9,900 blocks will be available for lease under the two proposed actions, but only a small percentage are expected too be actually leased. ... Proposed Central Gulf Sale 142 is scheduled to be held March 1993 and will offer approximately 5,194 unleased blocks (as of January 1992), comprising about 28.0 million acres in the Central Planning Area (CPA). This area includes acreage located from 4.8 to 354 kilometers (km) offshore in water depths ranging from 4 to 3,425 meters (m). ... Proposed Western Gulf Sale 143 is scheduled to be held in August 1993 and will offer approximately 4,715 unleased blocks (as of January 1992), comprising about 25.8 million acres in the Western Planning Area (WPA). This area is located from 14 to 357 km offshore in water depths ranging from 8 to over 3,000 m. This document describes the proposed actions, alternatives, environmental impacts, and mitigating measures of these scheduled oil and gas lease sales.


2 volumes


oil, gas, oil leases, gas leases, environmental impacts, studies, research, environmental aspects, offshore oil industry, offshore gas industry, offshore oil well drilling, drilling, oil wells, gas wells
