The Texas Coastal Management Program second year work program.




Texas General Land Office.

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Texas General Land Office.


The Texas Coastal Management Program was initiated in order to design a flexible policy-planning process which will ensure a continuing balance between future social, economic, and environmental needs. The program's objective is to develop and recommend to the Legislature and the public an improved process for decision-making affecting allocation of coastal resources, and to propose steps for implementing this process. Present resource uses and the constraints and opportunities for more effective protection and use of those resources must be determined; alternative uses and use priorities in terms of existing law and policy must be examined; and organizational changes necessary to effect the alternative resource development and use policies must be evaluated. Projected demands on coastal resources in relation to the resource base's capability to sustain those demands are under study on several fronts. Governmental entities with responsibility for regulation, protection, and planning in the coastal region have been identified. Public participation in gathering information and making suggestions will be integral throughout all stages of the developmental process and is being solicited through hearings, workshops, and mailings. In addition, the Commissioner of the General Land Office has appointed a citizens' advisory committee to work with the staff to assure full public involvement in program development.


47 p.


coastal zone management, marine resources, coastal zone, government policy, resource management, resource conservation
