Texas coastal management program activity assessment routine ecological systems component: user's manual: DRAFT




Texas General Land Office

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Research and Planning Consultants, Inc.


This manual and the accompanying technical manual provide guidelines for implementation of the ecological systems component of the Activity Assessment Routine. The ecological systems component is a method of analysis for guiding philosophy in development of the component has been to first concentrate on structuring a systematic, logical, and documentable analytical framework. As a result, the procedure described in this manual is largely qualitative; descriptive ecological models have been developed and nonquantitative assessments have been compiled. Compilation of empirical data has been limited to design of a data referencing system under the theory that access to the data in a soundly-structured analytical context is a more pressing need than incorporation of available data into an analytical process.


249 pgs.


coastal zone, coastal zone management, environmental impact, ecosystems, environmental aspects, seashore ecology
