Red drum sex ratio and size at sexual maturity
Matlock, G.C.
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Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Coastal Fisheries Branch
Gonads of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) collected with gill nets in Texas bays during October 1976-September 1977 were examined macroscopically to determine sex and maturity stage. The sex ratio (male to female) for all bays combined was not significantly different from 1, but it varied from 0.1 in Aransas Bay to 2.9 in Galveston Bay. The size at which red drum reach sexual maturity in Texas may be at least 500 to 700 mm total length. Additional research using microscopic examination of gonads of fish collected in bays and the Gulf of Mexico is needed to improve accuracy.
7 pgs.
animal reproductive organs, red drum, Sciaenops ocellata, gillnets, sex ratio