Populations of Juvenile Shrimp in the Corpus Christi Bay Complex - Study of Texas Shrimp Populations


White and brown shrimp were sampled twice each month for 16 consecutive months. The results indicated a drop in abundance of both species. A corresponding drop was also noted in commercial landings. The first wave of juvenile brown shrimp appeared in the May 1 samples, 15 days later than in 1961. The major size class of the first wave was 28 mm. to 43 mm. Juvenile white shrimp first appeared in the July 1 samples with a major size class of 35 mm. to 40 mm. White shrimp showed a drop of 47 per cent in catch per unit effort.


6 pages; available for download at the link below.


shrimp population, Penaeus setiferus, Penaeus aztecus, white shrimp, brown shrimp, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
