The functions and values of coastal wetlands




Hightower, Mike

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Texas General Land Office, Coastal Management Program


The overall purpose of this document is to survey and assess the policies, laws, and requirements of federal agencies, Texas state agencies, and other coastal states to determine the methods used in value assessment, appraisal, and acquisition of coastal wetlands based on their functions nod values. Also various means are examined and assessed for integrating the monetary values of coastal wetlands into the appraisal process to encourage donation of privately-owned wetlands to the public sector, to aid in the assessment of penalties and fines for impacts on wetlands to the public sector, to aid in the assessment of penalties and fines for impacts on wetlands, and to promote the use of penalties and fines collected for wetland acquisition.


145 pgs.


wetlands, government policy, resource management, law, legislation, management, coastal zone management, valuation
