Approximate water - level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline Aquifers, 1977-90 and 1989-90, and measured compaction, 1973 - December 1989, in the Houston - Galveston region, Texas




Barbie, Dana L., L.S. Coplin, and Glenn L. Locke

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey


This report is one in a series of reports that depict water-level changes since 1977 and compaction of subsurface material since 1973. The report was prepared in cooperation with the City of Houston and the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, and presents approximate water-level changes in wells in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, 1977-1990, and measured compaction, 1973-December 1989, in the Houston-Galveston region. Map #1 - Shows approximate change in water levels in wells in the Chicot aquifer, January - February 1977 to January - February 1990. Map #2 - Shows approximate change in water levels in wells in the Chicot aquifer, January - February 1989 to January - February 1990. Map #3 - Shows approximate change in water levels in wells in the Evangeline aquifer, January - February 1977 to January - February 1990. Map #4 - Shows approximate change in water levels in wells in the Evangeline aquifer, January - February 1989 to January - February 1990. Map #5 - Shows locations of borehole extensometers. Graphs #1 and #2 - Show measured compaction, 1973 - December 1989.


5 maps, 2 graphs


water levels, aquifers, subsidence, wells
