Galveston County Air Control Department, 1971 annual report




Galveston County Pollution Control Office

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Galveston County Pollution Control Office


The Galveston County Air Control Department marked its fourth year of existence in 1971. Our agency operates under the Texas Clean Air Act of 1971 and the regulations of the Texas Air Control Board. Our most important task is to carry on a responsive dialogue with our county's citizens. It must be fully understood by the reader that while Galveston County is doing a fair job in the numbers game, we still have a tremendous problem with odors and organic gaseous emissions in the Texas City/La Marque area of the county. Our general feeling is that 1971 was a successful year for our department. The following report covering the activities of the Galveston County Air Control Department for 1971. This report is a narrative with the exception of certain tables and maps for those readers who are interested in our technical data. Table of Contents: Organization Chart, Narrative, Sampling Site Locations, Particulate Chemistry Results, Ambient Particulate Averages, Ambient Gaseous Averages, Ambient Particulate Isopleth Maps, Ambient Gases Isopleth Maps, Annual Wind Roses, Quarterly Wind Roses.


38 pgs.


air pollution, annual reports, air sampling, air quality, public meetings, data, pollution control, government policy, pollution, air, environmental impact, analysis
