The effects of the effluent from an electrical generating station on the phytoplankton of Trinity Bay, Texas.




Krejci, M.E.

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Texas A&M University.


The number of individuals and injury rates of economically important fish passing through the P.H. Robinson Generating Station (1,465 MW) located on Galveston Bay, Texas was investigated February 1969-February 1970. Water temperature, dissolved-oxygen content, conductivity-salinity, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), and biological samples were taken twice weekly at four trawl (two in intake canal and two in discharge canal) and one revolving- screen stations. Screen collections were made for 25 minutes starting at 0700, 1500, and 2200 hr. High mortality associated with the generating station nearly always was limited to the hot-water months when the least fish were present. Blue crabs and algal mats injured many of the fish impinged on the screens. Mean-catch-per-effort values for intake-canal-trawl tows. Movement of fishes into the discharge canal was restricted upstream by the power plant and prevented downstream by a weir. Many fish were resident in the discharge canal during the cool-water months and they were transient with a few exceptions during the hot-water months. Larger mean-catch values and higher injury rates usually occurred at the discharge-trawl-sampling station located near the plant than at the more distant station.


109 p., Thesis


injuries, water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, pH, biological sampling, collecting devices, catch/effort, catch statistics, fish
